KnitLab, a yarn shop around my corner closed last wekend.
I couldn't resist the Blue Sky alpaca/silk yarn.....
or the alpaca yarn.I guess this is just one more sign of me being a "yarnoholic". Can't say I'm interested in any 12-step program, however I can admit that I cannot stop when I feel like it.
Can't say if this is good or bad just that it gives me a good feeling.
During the weekend I started on the crochet jacket. I'm using the yarn I bought at Nysta and I'm using this Garnstudio pattern. It is fast and it is fun.
My current concern is the size and also if the pattern is strange in sizing between the back and the front or if it is my changing "gauge" as I go along. The left front is a lot more then half the size of the back. I also realized that the yarn is not enough so I've mail ordered from Nysta the last 5 skeins. I hope this is sufficient.
I passed Knitlab this weekend and learned that they are closing coming Saturday. Another yarn store to close :-( ,well Nysta will still be around but it will be more difficult to touch yarn there.
I'm tempted to invest in even more yarn but I've started with the following books, so I've done my book sale purchases, and they were all on my wish list.