Saturday, January 19, 2008

Story of Chantel (part 1)

Years ago when I first saw the Chantel Shawl I fell in love. Nice lace pattern using Kid Silk Haze. The pattern is in Vintage Style, Rowan Magazine. The only drawback is that it wasn't knitted but crocheted. I haven't done that since 6th grade, and then it was a pair of Lovikka mittens.

Then Warp & Weft had a spring sale and I "had to invest" in there kid mohair (less expensive than KSH but then without the silk). I like the colors - makes me happy.

I took the project with me as a vacation project to an island in the Stockholm archipelago.
So first I had to make a test square, using cotton since it much easier to "redo" when making errors. This is the second one, the first one was not completed and didn't end up as a square. It wasn't that eay to understand the pattern and acronymns.

First sqaure completed and then I managed to complete 70 squares before going back to the city last August. I think I had all 100 made in early October and then put them in a "safe place" to start with other knitting projects. I hade a small panic attack when I couldn't find tham and for a moment (a very long moment) thought theat I had trown them away before I found them neatly stacked in size order in my bookshelf.

100 squares in order to be crocheted together....

....and here is the other end of the shawl.


Elena said...

Wow, wow, wow ... det ser såå spännande ut. Verkligen ambitiöst projekt, va? Men vilken unik supermjuk sjal du får sen!

Uj, kan förstå hur du kände när du trodde lapparna var borta. Vet du, jag brukar hitta det mesta i min bokhylla också. Intryckt någonstans mellan böckerna...he, he.

Ser fram emot att se bild på den färdiga Chantal! Lycka till med knåpandet!

Marias garnhändelser said...


Inger Carina said...

Anna! It's DONE!!!! (okay...... just the last boooring assebleing part, BUT all 100 grannys are MADE!) Congrats my friend :-)
Now I look forward to see the result, maybe at Nettans the 8th? :-) Craft on!
What about coffie and crocheting on friday?

katarinaw said...

wow! I'm so impressed! it's going to be a lovely shawl!

Mary said...

That shawl is very striking! I really like the colors